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Management Systems Standards.

A management system is the way in which organizations manage their interrelated parts of the business in order to achieve goals and objectives. The goals and objectives are related to various aspects, including product or service quality, operational efficiency, environmental performance, health and safety in the workplace and many more.

ISO management system standards (MSS) are the result of consensus among international experts with expertise in global management, leadership strategies, and efficient and effective processes and practices. These are voluntary codes, guidelines or processes used by organizations to formalize, systematize, and legitimize diverse set of managerial activities or tasks. MSS sets out requirements or guidance to help organizations manage their policies and processes to achieve specific goals and objectives.

MSSs have been adopted by an increasing number of organizations across the world and are designed to be applicable across all economic sectors, various types and sizes of organizations and diverse geographical, cultural and social conditions.

MSS standards can be implemented by any organization, large or small. The level of complexity of the system depends on the organization’s specific context. The typical organization’s context for smaller and more complex businesses may include:

  • having strong leadership from the business owner,

  • providing a clear definition of what is expected from each individual employee

  • and employees contribute to the organization's overall objectives,

  • the need for extensive documentation in highly regulated sector for effective controls in order to fulfil their legal obligations

  • meet their organizational goals and objectives

ISO management system standards (MSS) help the organizations improve their performance by specifying repeatable steps to achieve their goals and objectives, and to create an organizational culture that reflexively engages in a continuous cycle of self-evaluation, correction and improvement of operations and processes through heightened employee awareness and management leadership and commitment.

The benefits of an effective management system to an organization include:

  • More efficient use of resources and improved financial performance

  • Improved risk management and protection of people and the environment

  • Increased capability to deliver consistent and improved services and products, thereby increasing value to customers and all other stakeholders

ISO management system standards (MSS) types:

  • Generic Standards - applicable to any type of organization by addressing management disciplines such as quality, environment, energy, information security, etc.

  • Industry Specific Standards - provide additional requirements or guidance for the application of a generic management standard in a specific economic or business sector

  • Guidance Standards - provide further guidance and/or requirements on specific aspects of management system, standard and related support techniques


Management System Standards

A management system is the way in which organizations manage their interrelated parts of the business in order to achieve goals and objectives. The goals and objectives are related to various aspects, including product or service quality, operational efficiency, environmental performance, health and safety in the workplace and many more.

Consulting Solutions

Consultancy or consulting services is basically assisting organization, group, team or individual to understanding and implementing the requirements of the Management Systems for improving business performances, solving problems and creating value.

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Training Solutions

Training activity focuses on learning and developing for building and improving valuable skills, to leverage new opportunities and creating exceptional value in the organization. Training ensures continued high-impact performance by enabling better team work.

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ISO Certifications through accredited CBs signals to the potential clients, buyers, suppliers, etc., that the company has taken extra steps to prove they meet the requirements of the standard and that they are committed to integrity required by certification.

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